Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Facebook Fears

One of the things I dig about crap like Facebook is that it allows me to show my previous classmates that, despite my having been a complete, utter nerd in high school, that I more or less have my shit together these days. Not in an "I'll show those bastards!" kind of way...more of a "Hey, I don't dress like Marty McFly anymore!" kind of way. Some people, however, do not feel similarly adequate at their current station in life, and continue to feel bullied and belittled even years after graduation, as this piece I did for the Boston Phoenix illustrates.

Personally, I feel like anyone who gives shit one about what their fellow high schoolers think of them even a second after they toss that cap in the air is a hopeless pants-pee. But maybe that's just me.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Back in 2005, I was hired by MAKE Magazine to draw some industrious, nerdy little elves working on various techie DIY projects for their holiday edition. I was really happy how they turned out at the time, and I'm happy to report that they're made another appearance, this time on the MAKE Blog! They're encouraging readers to use the images in their own holiday projects...something I myself did for my "nice" (as opposed to "naughty") Xmas promo card for 2006!

Of course, all this does is remind me how badly I need to get crackin' on this year's version...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Traffic and Weather

My new web-strip, Traffic and Weather, debuted this past Friday on, the all-new, souped-up web-straveganza of Richmond Magazine. The strip is very similar in tone and style to Lunch-Hour Comix, and probably could have been called that, actually...but a new title gives me one more thing to list on my resume, so Traffic and Weather it is!

Read episode one here...and new strips will appear every Thursday. Also, I need feedback, people, so don't be shy!

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