Thursday, September 30, 2010

Katy Perry Bikini Foto Gallery

katy perry was shopping at market and found paparazi was shot with camera to her, acctually this is not for the first time the cameraman shot her, a lot time they are meet up with katy perry sexy hot bikini,

katy perry boobs

katy perry boobs 2
katy perry boobs

Bikini Hot, Hot Bikini, Photo Bikini

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Something Odd

I noticed the other day, while lamenting deadlines too severe to hammer out a blog post, that the total number of entries here at Atom-Bomb Bikini over the last three years (on the counter over there on the right sidebar) is 140 in 2007, 141 in 2008, and 141 again in 2009. Uncannily, while those numbers are almost exactly the same, they're completely coincidental, not reflecting anything but the regular ebb and flow of the frequency of my posting habits.

Certainly shows some telling insight into how my mind works...diligence then procrastination, ignore then overcompensate, lather rinse repeat, in frighteningly habitual manner!

Warranty Warriors!

I created this cornball image for Remodeling Magazine last year...the story was about the need for contractors to offer rock-solid warranties on home improvement projects, lest they lose business in these recessive times. The goofy image worked well with the rather staid copy, a hallmark of the fun jobs Remodeling AD Pete M. kindly assigns!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Shop!

If you've ever ordered anything from my web shop, you know the place is a little...old-school, to put it mildly. Tiny photos, broken links, the works...which is why I've decided to upgrade a bit and set up a new shop with the fine folks at BigCartel!

There are only a dozen or so items to begin with, but all the newest stuff is there for the buying. And it gets better...I'm running a "grand opening" sale through the end of the month! Enter "WWGRD" at checkout and you'll save 10% on your order!

So have a look, let me know what you think of the new coat of paint on the place...and if you do decide to drop some bucks...THANKS!

SPX Haul

I arrived home to a hornet's nest of buzzing deadlines...I'll jot down some thoughts on the show when I can, but for now, here's the haul!

From top left: Rare Words by Mark Burrier; We Take the Bottom With Us by Ian Sampson; Diary Comics by Dustin Harbin; Seduction of the Innocent by Various, edited by Lance Hansen; The Lost Art of Zim: Cartoons and Caricatures edited by Joe Procopio; THB by Paul Pope; It's Dream Time Snoop Doggy Dogg by JT Yost; Apooka by Mike Roll; Ferzan Zwei by Lamar Abrams; Derby Girls by Ray Fawkes; The Retreat by Jamie Tanner; Mixed Up and Drawings 2010 by Jim Rugg; Desmond's Devastating Dozen by Joe Foo; Ice Cream Sandwich by Jim 8ball; Cragmore by Pat Lewis; Boobs, Poop and Poo by Sam Sharpe

Monday, September 13, 2010

Liberez le Rocket

The trip to SPX over the weekend was awesome...more on that as soon as I scrape up some pictures to go along with my con report. Meantime, here's a little treat: an actual new comic! I laid out this strip years ago, planning to run it in Old-Timey Hockey Tales, but got busy with paying work and never finished it. It laid there in my flat file until I was asked by my pal Teebz, who writes the excellent Hockey Blog in Canada, to fill in with a post or two during his month-long vacation in September. I figured it was time to dust it off and complete it, and I managed to add some color as well. I had a few prints of the strip made up to take along to SPX...if there's interest, I'll go ahead and add some ordering info to the blog here.

So enjoy, and here's hoping my attempt at writing en francais isn't too embarrassing!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yumi Sugimoto BIkini Part 2

this is the second part of Photo Bikini Yumi Sugimoto. You can see the first part here Yumi Sugimoto Yellow Bikini. Here is three of bikini of yumi sugimoto at beach. enjoye the pictures and photos

Bikini Hot, Hot Bikini, Photo Bikini

Yumi Sugimoto Yellow Bikini Sexy

So many girls have a sexy when they wear bikini, same as Yumi Sugimoto whos wearing Yellow bikini dress very sexy. Yumi Sugimoto Profile :
Birth Date : 1989-Apr-1
Profession: Actress, Model and Gravure Idol
Size: T:168cm | B:84cm | W:58cm | H:85cm | S:24cm

Bikini Hot, Hot Bikini, Photo Bikini

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Miri Hanai Bikini Sexy Shot

Miri Hanai is a Japanese gravure idol. She enjoys reading, karaoke, and watching vampire movies. these are several Photo Miri Hanai wearing Bikini sexy

Birth Date:
Country of Origin:
Height (cm):
please take a look some picture or photo of Miri Hanai

Bikini Hot, Hot Bikini, Photo Bikini

Reon Kadena at Beach

Reon kadena always give nice post sexy to all of us. he has multitalented photo artis, model. right now he is wearing white at beach so sexy to see....please take a look some picture photo reon kadena

Bikini Hot, Hot Bikini, Photo Bikini

Friday, September 3, 2010

SPX 2010

Friends, Small Press Expo 2010 is just a week away, taking place next Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11 and 12. After several years of taking place in October, the show is happening a good deal earlier, about which I'm really excited...for years, SPX was always a great way say goodbye to the summer and kick-off the fall, and I'm glad to have it back in early September.

Anyways, I'll be there with stalwart best comics pal and Wide Awake Press publisher J. Chris Campbell...and as you'll see on the convention hall map below, he's not kidding about the "front and center" part! We'll be at Tables 24b-25, sharing a little homeroom with super-talented folks like Keith Knight, Monica Gallagher and Tim Fish. I can't wait!

Though my new super-hero mini-comic, Diamond are a Girl's Worst Enemy, will unfortunately not be completed in time for the show, I will have the brand-spanking (no pun intended) new sixth issue of Teeny Bikini, as announced yesterday, as well as the new-to-SPX Traffic & Weather #2 and tons of other original art, books and prints. Stop by, won't cha?

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